As per the updated notification, the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) Authority has finally released the Bihar STET Final Admit Card 2023. Candidates will be able to download their admit card from today, 30th August 2023. A direct download link has been activated on the official website Also, exam dates for all subjects paper and paper 1 have been by the board. Login credentials will have to be submitted to check the update regarding the STEt exam on the website.
Bihar STET Admit Card 2023

This year for the secondary teacher eligibility test around 5 lakh candidates submitted online applications for the paper and paper 2 exams. Earlier this month BSEB took online applications from 8th August to 25th August 2023. Now, as per the board only 5 days left in conducting the CBT based exam of all papers. At the time of getting the STET admit card, candidates must check all the important instructions related to the exam. Check below for the direct download link.
BSEB STET 2023 Exam
The exam schedule of all papers has been out and the board will organise cbt based exam from 4th September to 15th September 2023 across various Centers across the district of Bihar.
Exam name | STET |
Board | BSEB |
Level | Secondary |
Class | 9 to 12 |
Exam Date | 4th September to 15th September 2023 |
Final Admit Card Date | 30th August 2023 |
Year | 2023 |
Website | |
BSEB STET 2023 Admit Card Download
After downloading the BSEb STET 2023 admit card, candidates will have to print and have ready identity documents with a passport size photograph. As per the syllabus, paper and paper will consist of 200 marks questions from subjects like language, art of teaching, reasoning and general awareness. In the STET exam, candidates will be required to qualify and then a certificate will be provided. As expected, BSEB might publish the result in the last week of September.
Bihar Police Constable Admit Card 2023
How To Download Bihar STET 2023 Admit Card?
- First, open the official website of BSEb, i.e.
- Find the final admit card print link and click to open a new tab.
- Enter your details like mobile no. and otp/password in the respective field.
- Click on the login button and then download your final admit card.
- Take a printout and save it for future reference.
Direct Link >>>>>> CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAd
IMP Question
The exam date of the BSEB 2023 STET will be from 4th September to 15th September 2023.
A total of 15 subjects are offered under the paper 1 STET 2023 Exam.