Madhyamik TBSE Term 2 Result of class 10 & 12 is released and available to check on the TBSE As we know exam has been finished a long time way and the results are finally released. Result of class 10 and 12th was scheduled to release at 12 noon on 6th July on the website and is now live to check your Madhyamik and 12th result online.
Madhyamik TBSE Term 2 Result
After waiting a long time, “tripura board of secondary education” gave relief to lakh of students who appeared for TBSE HS Class 10, 12 board exam. Now from both classes, students can able to know their marks at the same time and same day.
Board | TBSE |
Tripura Madhyamik Result | 6th July |
TBSE HS Result | 6th July |
Mode | Online |
Website | | Term 2 Result 2022

As per the official source, the Result was to be announced on 6th July for Tripura Madhyamik and HS Result 2022 for the exam conducted from the month of April to June. After releasing the term 1 results in February finally after a short period of time, TBSE Board released the term 2 results.
How to Check TBSE Term 2 Result

Student of classes 10 and 12 can check their result by following some quick steps-
- Go to the official
- Now click on TBSE Madhyamik Term 2 Result 2022 or TBSE HS Result 2022.
- After entering your Roll no and registration no.
- Submit your details and print them for future reference.
Offline way to check Tripura result
Student can check their TBSE term 2 result 2022 by message.
Student need to send message in this format-
- Type TBSE<space>Roll number
- After Send it to 7738299899
- After a few seconds, you will receive your result.
Supplementary Exam for Tripura Madhyamik and HS Result
Students who fail their term 2 exams can now apply for the supplementary exams by filling online form on the TBSE website. The form will soon be on the website and the exam is taken after 1 month. Students need to pay some exam fees for supplementary exams.
Check Your Result | Click Here |
Our Portal | Click Here |
Madhyamik and HS result is released and live to check on the website.
Students need to visit the TBSE result To check their online result.