The Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board has released RSMSSB CHO Admit Card 2023 Today, 13th February 2023. Candidates registered for the written can visit the official website and download their hall ticket. Approx. one week is left in conducting the exam and finally admit card link is activated on the website. As per the board, the admit card will only be provided through the website and by messaging the board number on WhatsApp. Check the below details regarding the hall ticket and exam info.
RSMSSB CHO Admit Card 2023

The online form for the Community Health Officers (CHO) recruitment was started from 8th November 2022 to 7th December 2022. Now after around two months, RSMSSB finally released the admit card on 13th February 2023 and going to conduct the written exam on 19th February 2023. Registered must keep their application no. at the downloading RSMSSB CHO Admit Card 2023 from the website. Before appearing in the exam, all applicants have to keep a hard copy of the hall letter and identity proof at the test center. CHO Exam Details
In total three phases, candidates have to appear and perform well to be selected under CHO recruitment. Written exam, Medical test, and Document verification will be followed by RSMSSB according to which merit list is prepared. It is expected to complete this recruitment in the upcoming six months.
State | Rajasthan |
Recruitment | CHO |
Authority | RSMSSB |
Exam Date | 19th Feb 2023 |
Admit Card Release Date | 13th Feb 2023 |
Mode | Online |
Vacancy | 3531 |
Website | |
Rajasthan CHO Selection Process
First, the board will conduct the written exam for all registered candidates across various centers in the state. A total of 100 questions will be asked out of which there should be at least a required no, of questions to be attempted to appear in the merit list. For incorrect answers, there will be 0.25 marks for negative marking and for the correct answer, there will 4 marks will be awarded. As soon as the merit list is published, shortlisted candidates will have to appear for medical tests and documents verification.
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How To Check RSMSSB CHO Admit Card 2023?
- Visit the official website of the board. i.e
- As the website opened, find out admit card section in the homepage area.
- Open admit card section then search for the hall ticket link.
- Tap on the link to open a new tab.
- Fill in your application no. and dob in the respective fields.
- Verify with a captcha and then click on the submit button.
- The admit card will get downloaded in pdf format.
Check your Admit Card | Click Here |
Education | Check |
In total 3 phases, RSMSSb CHO recruitment 2023 will be completed.
More than 5 lakh candidates will appear for the Rajasthan CHO exam 2023.
Rajasthan cho 2023 admit card